Kyung Hee University

Join Our Team

Graduate Opportunities

Motivated prospective graduate students who are interested in joining the Bae Lab are encouraged to apply to the Master or PhD program in Chemical Engineering at KHU. Complete information about the graduate admissions process can be found Here. Prospective graduate students are also welcome to contact Prof. Jaehyeong Bae ( to discuss our group, our research, and our current graduate student opportunities. 

•  Benefits include full-tuition, salary, financial support for attending international conference.

Undergraduate Opportunities

Motivated KHU undergraduate students are encouraged to contact Prof. Jaehyeong Bae ( for possible Undergraduate Research Program (URP) positions.

Postdoctoral Opportunities

The Bae Lab seeks a creative and motivated Postdoctoral Research Fellow with experties in one or more of the following areas: additive manufacturing, functional and/or soft materials, cell culture etc. Qualified candidates should send  complete CV to Prof. Jaehyeong Bae (